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Latest trends in hot chilli sauces – September 2023

Artisanal and Small-Batch Hot Sauces

There was a growing interest in artisanal and small-batch hot sauces. Consumers were seeking unique and high-quality flavours made by smaller producers rather than mass-produced sauces.

Flavour Innovation

Hot sauce makers were experimenting with a wide range of flavours, combining ingredients like fruit, herbs, and spices to create unique and complex taste profiles. Fruity and tangy hot sauces, in particular, were gaining popularity.

Heat Level Variations

While extremely hot sauces have always had a dedicated following, there was a trend toward sauces with more moderate heat levels. These sauces aimed to offer flavour complexity without overwhelming spiciness.

Ethnic and Regional Flavours

Consumers were exploring hot sauces inspired by various ethnic cuisines and regional flavours, such as Caribbean, Asian, African, and Latin American. These sauces often incorporated authentic ingredients and cooking techniques.

Health and Wellness Focus

Some hot sauce brands were emphasizing health-conscious ingredients, like natural and organic ingredients, lower sodium content, and reduced sugar levels. These sauces catered to consumers looking for healthier condiment options.


Eco-friendly packaging and sustainable sourcing of ingredients were becoming more important to consumers. Some hot sauce companies were making efforts to reduce their environmental impact.

Limited Editions and Collaboration

Hot sauce brands were collaborating with other food companies or celebrity chefs to create limited-edition sauces. These collaborations generated excitement and introduced unique flavours to the market.

DIY Hot Sauce Kits

Some companies were offering DIY hot sauce kits, allowing consumers to create their custom hot sauces at home. This trend catered to the growing interest in home cooking and personalization.

Hot Sauce Challenges

Online challenges and competitions involving extremely spicy hot sauces gained popularity on social media platforms. These challenges often featured sauces with exceptionally high Scoville heat units (SHU).

CBD-Infused Hot Sauces

In regions where it's legal, some hot sauce makers were experimenting with infusing their products with CBD (cannabidiol) for potential relaxation and wellness benefits.

The hot sauce industry can change rapidly. We will keep you informed with updates on the hottest trends in hot sauces.

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